Starting with Sourdough
Sourdough bread is all the rage these days. I’ve been baking bread at home for years now, so I thought that I would share some tips and techniques...

Sourdough bread is all the rage these days. I’ve been baking bread at home for years now, so I thought that I would share some tips and techniques...
Every time there is a birthday party at school or daycare, one of three situations unfold:
Update April 2017: A note of warning to the reader.
This article discusses topics that may trigger feelings of fear or anger, which can lead to social problems...
My first real exposure to overt racism, something that many people experience on a regular basis, came 3 years ago today, in a way that was all the...
Ah, the Christmas season. How I loath it. It should come as no surprise to the people close to me. The incessant consumerist drive to consume, consume, consume....
So recently, many of the teacher’s unions here in Quebec have decided to go on a one day strike in protest to the continued cuts to public education...
“If I look at the mass, I will never act.” — Mother Teresa
Recently it was posited to me that veganism can not be an intersectional movement because it would require us to view oppressed humans as sub-human. The person further...
Children are free moral agents and have a right to be exposed to a range of beliefs well beyond the rigid doctrinal confines of their parent’s faith,...
“To be strong, the movement must consist of people who are self-critical, truth loving, scientific, careful in judgment and eager to yield to evidence even if it...
I don’t hold “normal” in very high esteem. Normal in our society is violence. It is racism, specisism, sexism, heterosexism. It is buying things you don’t need and...
I used to glare at niqab-wearing women on the street, but then I opened my heart and mind - to a wonderful daycare provider.
As a vegan, I am often told that I should “respect [someone’s] decision to eat animals”. This can get problematic, because that is the antithesis of veganism as...
Thanks to many large animal organizations, coupled particularly with poorly informed celebrity spokes-people, and widely perpetuated misinformation by non vegans like Oprah, there is a very wide misunderstanding...