Baking Without Animals
Every time there is a birthday party at school or daycare, one of three situations unfold:
- Parents who have the luxury of not thinking about food issues...

Every time there is a birthday party at school or daycare, one of three situations unfold:
Ah, the Christmas season. How I loath it. It should come as no surprise to the people close to me. The incessant consumerist drive to consume, consume, consume....
“If I look at the mass, I will never act.” — Mother Teresa
Recently it was posited to me that veganism can not be an intersectional movement because it would require us to view oppressed humans as sub-human. The person further...
Children are free moral agents and have a right to be exposed to a range of beliefs well beyond the rigid doctrinal confines of their parent’s faith,...
“To be strong, the movement must consist of people who are self-critical, truth loving, scientific, careful in judgment and eager to yield to evidence even if it...
I don’t hold “normal” in very high esteem. Normal in our society is violence. It is racism, specisism, sexism, heterosexism. It is buying things you don’t need and...
As a vegan, I am often told that I should “respect [someone’s] decision to eat animals”. This can get problematic, because that is the antithesis of veganism as...
Thanks to many large animal organizations, coupled particularly with poorly informed celebrity spokes-people, and widely perpetuated misinformation by non vegans like Oprah, there is a very wide misunderstanding...